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The Power of Affirmations

Updated: Sep 12, 2022

What if we could channel that power and harness it to create long-lasting feelings of positivity and confidence? Practicing the use of affirmations can do just that!

We all have little things that we say to ourselves throughout the day to help us keep going. We might say “you’ve got this” when we are about to take on a difficult task or “take the leap” when trying something new. This form of self-encouragement can be very powerful (even if it also seems very simple). Affirmations can help you find the strength and courage to get through the day.

Unfortunately, we also have an inner critic that is quick to jump in and tell us we're not good enough, we should be doing more for others, we need to pay attention, etc. This inner critic's voice can be more powerful than our "inner hero" who is there to cheer us on along the way.

Practicing positive affirmations is a way to quiet the critic. It's a way to break free from the belittlement that this voice brings throughout the day. The caveat is that the critic's voice can be louder than our inner hero and it can come more naturally than thinking positively about ourselves. So, instilling positive sentiments takes work. It takes intention. We must counter negative thoughts about ourselves by putting in the effort to integrate affirmations into our daily lives.

Affirmations are a way to build up positivity, open your heart to vulnerability and growth, and attract new possibilities and better outcomes. That might sound a little strange, so let’s walk through it. An affirmation is a short phrase that we can repeat to ourselves to remind us of a goal that we may have. If you want to be more open to change so you’re not afraid to take chances and try new things, you may start by saying “I am open” each day to remind yourself that it’s okay to open your heart and mind to new adventures.

To start, think of something that you want to set as a goal. Do you also want to be more open to change and taking chances? Do you want to focus on being healthier both physically and mentally? What is something that you hope for yourself? Once you tap into a transformative goal you have for yourself, you can think of a key phrase to use to match that feeling. From there, find ways to remind yourself of this affirmation often. You could put a post-it on your bathroom mirror, write it down in a journal, choose a certain day to recite it and set an alarm to stay on track, or use another way to remind yourself often of the goal you have.

Let's say your goal is to simply quite your inner critic. Some affirmations for achieving this might be:

I will be kind to myself today.

I am open to self-growth.

I will keep a positive mindset today.

I am capable.

I am working on myself, and that's okay.

All of these sentiments are meant to reframe negative thinking and allow you to start being more self-compassionate. It can be difficult at first to develop self-compassion but it's a necessary step for improving confidence in yourself.

If you have other goals in mind but don't know where to start as far as developing affirmations to motivate you in your journey, here are some that may help can you started:

I am powerful.

I am worthy.

I am open to new possibilities.

I will seize new opportunities.

I am open to change.

I love myself often to practice self-care.

I will make the most of today.

I will no longer be stuck.

I control my destiny.

I am enough.

I can do this.

I will be intentional about reaching my goals today.

You can integrate some or all of these into your daily routine, modifying them as you see fit, or come up with your own based on your own goals. Of course, your goals may change over time and this may call for a review and update. You can always modify affirmations to fit where you're at or come up with new ones along the way. Do what works best for you and remember to stay open-minded.

Practicing self-affirmations is a great place to start what you’re looking to alleviate stress or any blockages that you feel are preventing you from having a fulfilling and joyful life. Today is a perfect day to start on your journey towards a happier mindset. It won’t happen overnight but, if you are patient with yourself, you will likely see changes in your attitude and perspective over time as you practice affirmations and reflect on how these simple phrases are helping you accomplish your goals. Let’s make today a great one!


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