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Tips and Tricks for Managing Panic Attacks

Updated: Oct 17, 2022

Anxiety can be hard to live with, especially if it's something you're constantly struggling with on a daily basis. It can feel like you're never really able to relax or feel “normal.” There are a lot of ways to help manage anxiety, but it's important to find what works for you. Some people find that therapy or medication helps, while others find that they need to take a more holistic approach.

In any case, if you're struggling with anxiety, know that you're not alone. There are many people who understand what you're going through. Even those who experience extreme panic attacks, which can literally make a person feel as if they are going to lose their lives, share these symptoms with millions of people across the globe.

Panic attacks are episodes of intense fear that are accompanied by sweating, increased heart rate, dizziness, shortness of breath, and other symptoms that may cause physical discomfort. Panic disorder, a type of anxiety, is when you frequently experience sudden attacks. Panic attacks can be terrifying, as well as difficult to control or stop. However, there are many techniques that can be used to help prevent or stop them in their tracks.

Some people may be able to predict their oncoming panic attack. If you begin to feel a one coming on, there are some steps you can take to prevent you from becoming even more uneasy:

  1. Take care of yourself: don’t overschedule, exercise, eat regularly, and get enough sleep

  2. Remind yourself you are in control of yourself and your actions

  3. Avoid excessive caffeine

  4. Avoid drugs/alcohol

  5. Pay attention to stressors in your life and figure out how to make them less stressful

It is also helpful to learn potential triggers for your episodes of panic and how to manage or avoid these altogether. For instance, you may have extreme anxiety attached to driving on the freeway. Traveling at a fast pace alongside others who may be tailing or passing you may seem far too overwhelming. If this is a trigger, you might consider GPSing an alternate route that does not involve highway travel. Many apps specifically have this feature built in because of how common this fear can be.

Many people cannot predict a panic attack, and therefore may not be able to take the immediate steps to prevent them. If you are past the point of preventing your panic attack, then you may be having one and need help getting out of it. These are a few steps you can take to bring yourself out of a panic attack.

  1. Recognize that you are having a panic attack

  2. Take slow, deep breaths to provide physical relief

  3. If you have medication for panic attacks use it as prescribed

  4. Close your eyes and focus on yourself to help you get back to reality

  5. Trying grounding techniques to keep you firmly planted in the present and feeling safe

  6. Find an object to focus on instead of what is making you panic; distractions can work wonders

  7. Picture your happy place to help change your mindset

  8. Find a mantra that helps you feel better and repeat it to yourself until the panic subsides

  9. Remember that it will pass, even if a few seconds feel like much longer, and you are physically and mentally safe regardless of what your mind and body may be convincing you of.

Other long-term planning techniques to consider might be learning some relaxation techniques. This can involve deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or other methods. Relaxation can help to reduce the severity of panic attacks and make them more manageable. And, seeking professional help. If you're struggling to manage your panic attacks on your own, it may be time to seek out a licensed therapist to help. A therapist can work with you to identify the factors that are contributing to the attacks, which can be very helpful if you find yourself at a loss as to what might be causing them.

Having a panic attack can be very scary, but you must remind yourself that you are safe and it will pass. If you are suffering from frequent panic attacks it is best to talk to someone to seek out the best treatment plan possible. Frequent panic attacks are not normal, and you should not suffer just because you believe it is “no big deal”. Mental health professionals can help you find different methods to manage your panic attacks to make living with them easier. If you're struggling, don't hesitate to reach out. There are many resources available to you, and teletherapy is more popular than ever before if you feel safer staying home. With the right help, you can learn to manage your panic attacks and live a more enjoyable life.


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