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Category: Therapy

How to Find the Right Therapist

How to Find the Right Therapist

Congratulations! You have taken a huge step in choosing to see a therapist. Whether you’re going to therapy to recover from trauma, work on coping with anxiety or depression, or seeking relationship help, it is vital that you find someone who you feel comfortable with...
How Virtual Therapy can Benefit Those with Anxiety

How Virtual Therapy can Benefit Those with Anxiety

The rise of the COVID pandemic brought many new things to the world. While there were many scary changes, one that had a positive effect on many was the popularization of virtual therapy. Virtual therapy is a growing field that offers many benefits for both therapists...
The Impact of Cerebral Palsy on Mental & Emotional Well-Being

The Impact of Cerebral Palsy on Mental & Emotional Well-Being

Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a group of permanent movement disorders that appear in early childhood. While the primary impact of CP is physical, affecting muscle tone, movement, and motor skills, it also significantly impacts an individual’s mental health. Those with CP...
How to Ease Obsessional Thinking

How to Ease Obsessional Thinking

Obsessive thoughts are a major part of having anxiety. People with anxiety often have negative, persistent thoughts that seem impossible to get rid of. These thoughts can distract you from everyday life and put you into a negative headspace. They tend to stem from...
How to Get a Better Handle on Your Anger

How to Get a Better Handle on Your Anger

Not surprisingly, many folks that face mental health challenges also have trouble with anger management. Having an inability to properly cope with strong emotions is a common symptom of conditions such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. Our brains are not...
It’s Ok to Not Be Ok.

It’s Ok to Not Be Ok.

From Addie, a mental health and recovery advocate: The road to recovery is never the same for every single person. Sure, we may have some commonalities between us, but each story is unique in its own way. It has taken me a long time to accept the bits and pieces of my...