Our Hope & Healing Blog

How to Get a Better Handle on Your Anger

How to Get a Better Handle on Your Anger

Not surprisingly, many folks that face mental health challenges also have trouble with anger management. Having an inability to properly cope with strong emotions is a common symptom of conditions such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. Our brains are not...

It’s Ok to Not Be Ok.

It’s Ok to Not Be Ok.

From Addie, a mental health and recovery advocate: The road to recovery is never the same for every single person. Sure, we may have some commonalities between us, but each story is unique in its own way. It has taken me a long time to accept the bits and pieces of my...

A Note on Intersectionality

A Note on Intersectionality

If you are unfamiliar with intersectionality, it is the overlap of social categorizations and how that can relate to disparities, discrimination, illness, and many other facets of oppression. In recent years, the term "intersectionality" has become increasingly...